Training Options: Short or TwilightFull day or extended courses also available. Click here to view full day or extended course agendas. |
The Curious Case of ASD and ADHDOverlap between ASD and ADHD is the norm and not the exception and in this presentation we will consider a range of techniques and strategies to help children and young persons with learning, behaviour and socialisation issues. |
Difficult, Demanding, Defiant and Different: Understanding and supporting children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder ODDOppositional Defiant Disorder is term given to describe when a child displays a certain pattern of behaviours that includes losing their temper frequently, defying adults, being easily annoyed and deliberately annoying others. |
The M Factor: Engaging the DisengagedIt’s not behaviour management and it never has been. Engaging disaffected or disillusioned challenging students is about first understanding the behaviour message and then unleashing the 7 educational Ms to develop successful learning and behaviour outcomes. |
Dual and Multiple Exceptionality or Twice ExceptionalIn the gifted education field, dual and multiple exceptionality (DME) or Twice Exceptional (2E) as used in the USA are terms used to describe those who are intellectually very able (gifted) or who have a talent (a special gift in a performance or skill area) and in addition to this, have a special educational need (SEN) such as Dyslexia, ASC or AdHd. |
Can’t Learn, Won’t Learn and Catch me if you CanThis presentation will outline the differences and overlapping traits of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder (CD) |
NeurodiversityNeurodiversity is a term which was first coined in the late 1990s to describe conditions such as Dyslexia, Autism and ADHD as not deficits or disorders but rather more like variations or differences of the human brain. For both children and their parents the concept of neurodiversity can have benefits as this can frame their challenges as being differences, rather than as deficits. |
Managing Behaviour and Preventing School ExclusionsIn this presentation we will consider a range of the issues around exclusion including current policies and procedures and also ways to reduce school exclusion through proactive systems and strategies to manage demanding, difficult and disruptive behaviour. |
Good Mental HealthThis presentation will consider how to best to train teaching staff to identify and effectively support children and young people who are suffering with a range of Mental Health issues. |
Supporting children with Attachment DisorderAttachment Disorder is a condition describing disorders of mood, behaviour and social relationships as a result of the failure to apply traditional attachments to a primary care giving figure during early childhood. In this presentation the following areas will be outlined and explained in terms of supporting children affected by Attachment Disorder. |
Parent and Child: Survival of the FittestBringing up any child is far from easy however if your child is struggling with learning, behaviour issues or social skills then this can have a dramatic impact on the whole family. In this presentation we will consider a range of strategies for proactive management of children who may be regarded as demanding, disruptive, defiant or just different. |
In addition Teacher Coaching classroom services are available. Click here for more information. |