
  • School leadership approach for successful learning, behaviour and socialisation outcomes of all students
  • Create policies to implement a whole school approach to ND practice
  • Develop Rules, Rituals and Routines across the school network to support staff and students


  • Focus on Mood, Motivation and Direction 
  • A whole school acceptance and understanding Neurodiversity and Neurodivergence
  • Alternative ways of supporting skills in learning, behaviour and socialisation


  • Effective communication across the whole school community
  • Practical strategies for dealing with a range of learning, behaviour and socialisation issues.
  • Feedback for staff and for students in terms in terms of achievements and choices


  • Developing effective staff-student and peer- peer relationships
  • Providing a culture of Equality, Inclusion, Safety and Security for all    
  • Working in Partnership between the school and parents/carers


  • Unleashing the power of Resilience
  • Preparing for Transitions and future direction 
  • Role modelling good practice